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Writer's pictureMaxPKjj

Update 6-10-17

Well Jacob finished round 3 of chemo on the 31st. 3 more rounds to go. Halfway, but they are getting harder on him each time. More stomach sickness and nausea, and now blood count problems. This is his 2 weeks of off time to get his counts up for the next rounds. Last Friday was a rough night, up almost every hour with him, it was a struggle for him, but finding God in it comforted him to get through. Yesterday he had a temperature, which we

have to keep a close eye on it, and she ended up taking him to urgent care, which in turn said to go to the ER. Fontana was backed up so she went to Ontario. Once they had his test they admitted him. The overnight is now going to be a few days as the red cells are now down also. White is up a little but not where its needs to be. Now going to get a transfusion. Keep him in prayer as there is a bit of frustration setting in. Last week after the rough night, God laid it on my heart that Jacobs story isn't done yet. We had kinda thought we were on the down side of things, just following through to make sure the cancer is gone, no matter how acclimated we get to this the struggle still quite real and not over yet. This chemo is no walk in the park, no matter how mild his treatments may be, it is taking its toll. I cant even imagine if he had the more aggressive ones. We dont have any of the answers, but we trust in God, who knows all things and is Himself the answer. Jacob is still holding onto to his verse, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13. We couldnt have even imagined we would be getting a crash course in cancer education, but here we are and what do we find...God is here with us. "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you" James 4:8. While I wouldnt wish this on anybody, I would hope and pray that you all could experience God as close or even closer than we have. God is Good, all the time. Keep praying, we love you all.


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